此工具可以解决有些大的DFM模型在rope_deepfacelive 中使用不了的问题以及tensorRT加速AMP模型无法修改变形因子的问题DFM模型转换不损失精度
建议可以再加个遮罩模型转换onnx功能 模型也能转换啊 this just seems like bad coding rope live didbecause if they did it correctly they wouldn't need to convert dfm to onnx This you can make so easy if you provide the code and stuff to do this to chatgpt and tell it to make a python gui with input and output directories and a convert button.
this just seems like bad coding rope live didbecause if they did it correctly they wouldn't need to convert dfm to onnx 难怪我一开这个,就显示报错了,原来还差这个东东 DFM模型转换工具 模型还需要转换啊 求工具没钱啊