Cxsmo's Universal Obstruction Mini RTM V2, updated with criteria-based input
本帖最后由 Cxsmo 于 2025-3-19 16:00 编辑Cxsmo's Universal Obstruction Mini RTM V2 and will get updated over time if people contribute using my criteria Included Content
Additional Information:
[*]Mask Type: Whole Face
[*]Faceset Res: 512x
[*]Quantity: 34,664 images
[*]XSeg: Lau9 256x plus some manually XSeg'd
[*]Size: 5.63GB
[*]Druuzil's Mini RTM
[*]Seancai110 Teeth Faceset
[*]Animal Faceset
[*]Also a Faceset with various occlusions and details made by footage I found
Seeking manually detailed XSegged images of cartoon characters like South Park and Muppets, as well as animals and humans
Detailed masks Images must be extracted using Quick Face Cut or manually: Quick Face CutDownload Links:
[*]Place the extra files into C:\Program Files (x86)\Quick Face Cutting.
[*]Pin version 2.0.12 to the taskbar for easy use.
Detailed XSeg should include items like drinks, eating, utensils, food, kitchenware, sports equipment, musical instruments, audio equipment, facewear, hands, fingers, eyewear, headwear, teeth, mouth, tongue, etc.
Must use DeepAscension for manual XSeg, images must be 512x and above
Manually XSeg images and send them to my DMsMust give 1000+ images to get access to this Faceset for free
***本内容需购买可见*** I think the price is too high. Can you try to lower it? 支持一下拿零食